The GeekBits Podcast

Has the Internet made us Dumb? – GeekBits Podcast Episode 11

Has the internet made us dumb?

We thought the internet would unlock the potential of humanity by making information quickly and freely available to everyone. But that hasn’t really been the case. With the world of disinformation at our fingertips has the Internet had the opposite effect? Has it made us dumb? Has the internet made the world Dumb? It seems […]

Is it Game Over for Legacy autoMakers? – GeekBits Podcast Episode 9

Game Over for Legacy Car Makers

The 9th episode of The GeekBits Podcast is here! In this episode we brainstorm about what the future of the auto industry looks like and try to answer the question: “It it really game over for legacy automakers?” Is it Game Over for Legacy Automakers? With the rise of the electric car and the legacy […]

The Economics of the Future – GeekBits Podcast Episode 8

The Economics of the Future

The 8th episode of The GeekBits Podcast is here! In this episode we theorize what the economics of the future might look like. What will automation do? AI and machine learning? Will we have jobs? The Economics of the Future How exactly will the economics of the future work? Robotics automation and computers are eliminating […]

What if Technology had Stalled in the 80s? – GeekBits Podcast Episode 7

What if Technology had Stalled in the 80s?

The 7th episode of The GeekBits Podcast is here! In this episode we perform a thought experiment where we question how the world might be different if technology had stopped advancing in 1982. What if Technology had Stalled in the 80s? We asked ourselves “What if technology had stalled in the 80s?” “How would the […]

WE GREW UP without The Internet – GeekBits Podcast Episode 6

Growing up without the internet

The 6th episode of The GeekBits Podcast is here! In this chat we talk about growing up in the 70’s and 80’s without the internet. But we had something many don’t remember. We had this thing called “The BBS”! Growing Up without the Internet… We had the BBS! Many people don’t understand that there was […]

When the Science IS the Fiction – GeekBits Podcast Episode 5

When the science is the fiction

The 5th episode of The GeekBits Podcast is here! This time it’s time to talk about all the bad movie and TV show science (and even the ones that got it right!). Bad Movie and TV Show Science It doesn’t really matter what your favorite science fiction movie or TV series is. It’s guaranteed that […]

How RPGs Shaped Computer Games – GeekBits Podcast Episode 4

How RPG's shaped computer games

It’s time for the 4th episode of The GeekBits Podcast! We’re going to dive into how RPGs shaped computer games in the 1970s all the way into the 1990s! How RPGs Shaped Computer Games Many nerds who grew up in the 1970s or 1980s played a role-playing game called Dungeons & Dragons. A game that […]

How’s Your Brain? – Geekbits Podcast Episode 3

How's Your Brain?

In the first official Geekbits Podcast now that we’re out of Pilot, we present “How’s Your Brain?”, where we explore what makes you who you are. What is consciousness? What does it mean to be alive? Are you even you? No. Seriously. How’s your brain? We often think of who we are as a soul. […]

Growing Up as a Nerd in the 80s – GeekBits Podcast Episode 2

Growing Up as a Nerd in the 80s.

Welcome to second pilot episode of the GeekBits Podcast: Growing Up as a Nerd in the 80s. This being the second of two pilot episodes, there are audio glitches here and there and a tiny bit of echo due to the room not being perfect acoustically. If you’re watching the video version, you’ll notice the […]